I am still buzzing from this weekend. Run4Usher raised almost €27.500 for the Usher Syndrome Foundation. Over 150 runners ran in Nijmegen (NL) this weekend during the Zevenheuvelenloop. People with Usher, friends, family, colleagues. On Saturday we beat the rain and the dark to run 7K. On Sunday there was a 15K run covering 7 hills.
Together with another Ushermom and dad my husband and I took care of the event for the Usher Syndrome Foundation. Ambitious as we are, we aimed to double the amount of Run4Usher runners and also double the amount of money raised. I am happy to say that we achieved both goals.
When you get a diagnosis for your child and the doctor tells you there’s not much you can do besides wait, that’s not what you want to hear as a parent. It feels so good to be able to do something, to at least contribute to the bigger cause. To raise awareness for Usher syndrome, to raise funds that will help in finding a cure for Usher syndrome. Not just for my son, but for all Ushers in the world.
To see all those people in Nijmegen this weekend really meant the world to me. Sharing this with the people I love, that I care about, that they are willing to get out there. Our youngest team member was 7 years old, he ran 7K so bravely. I can’t remember being that brave when I was 7.
The Usher diagnosis turned my whole world upside down. But besides the fear and the pain, there is also beauty. And I felt that all around this weekend. Thank you so much for caring. #teamjackson